Sunday, February 26, 2012

edumacation is fun

Took the kids to the MN History Center last weekend 'cuz Nate got a good deal on membership from Groupon.  It was packed with people seeing some 1960's exhibit and/or movie.  Baby boomers were everywhere.  Some of them were still wearing their clothes from '68.  We didn't bring the kids to the museum to see smelly old hippies, so we didn't stay long.  Their Minnesota's Greatest Generation exhibit was kind of cool.  Saw some WWII stuff, including some grenades in a glass case.  Adrienne wanted to know what they were.  After I explained, she said, "Ooooh, now I get the song Grenade."  You know, that Bruno Mars one where he sings about all the freaky morbid ways he'd die for his girl and can't figure out why she's creeped out.  Anyway, this is A with Zach in the Grainland play area-
Speaking of educational activities and family togetherness, I recently finished reading Horton Halfpott to the kids.  We tried to figure out what to read next and I suggested Old Yeller.  Adrienne thought that was a boring horrible idea.  She said, "What's next, are you going to read the dictionary?"  She was being more funny than snarky, so it's okay.  And it turns out Old Yeller fell apart and went missing a long time ago.  'Prolly will go with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soon, but maybe will find something Lent-y first.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

slow poke

Some b-day pics a bit late.  Nate's cake was good!
Adrienne was in a cool 5th grade African Drum presentation at school last week.  A man from Ghana had spent several hours teaching each class.  No pics or video of that, though, 'cuz I forgot the darn cameras.  I do, however, have a picture of this giant chocolate fish I got for my b-day.
And a weird cat in a box.

Monday, February 6, 2012

yea or nay?

The Giants won.  Yea?  I 'spose.  Weren't gonna cheer for them cheatin' Pats anyway.  The kids had looked forward to the Super Bowl for weeks 'cuz we planned a junk food party.  They couldn't remember which sport was going to be glorified, but dangit, they'd get to drink pop.  Had to quit watching at halftime though, for kiddo bath time and then Downton Abbey.

Lovin' this wimpy winter. Yea.

Nate's in the kitchen baking me a chocolate b-day cake.  Yea!

Guess I don't have a nay yet.  Maybe Adrienne's despair at today's commencement of a 2 week square dancing unit at school.  She wasn't pleased to be partnered with the boy in her class who talks about alien abduction obsessively.