Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Been a crazy week.  The kids spent this past weekend in Waconia so Nate and I could paint the living room and hallway.  The previous weekend we were back in Iowa to celebrate my mom-in-law's 70th b-day.  Happy birthday Doreen!
The cousins had lots more fun together.  You don't see many of these spinny thingamajigs at parks anymore.  The older cousins got to stay at Nana and Papa's farm for a few days afterward and wear out the go-karts.
The painting project is still not complete.  It was tough covering the dark red walls.  Had to do 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint.  We liked the red but were ready for a change.  The other features 'pop' better now that they're not outdone by the shazam! red walls.  There will be 3 different colors when we're done - the hallway is a shade lighter and there'll be an accent wall here and there.  Golly, we've seen too much HGTV.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yay for Nate!

Yesterday my handsome, smart, hardworking hubby got some news from his manager.  He received a promotion to Lead Software Engineer.  Good job, Nate!  Love you!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

to lotto or not to lotto?

A Burnsville couple won the Powerball this week, with a ticket they purchased just a few miles from our home.   The big $228.9 million will become a $123 million cash payout, then 'only' $84 million after taxes.  Seems this couple met with their financial adviser earlier this week and their retirement prospects weren't looking stellar.  Funny how things work out sometimes.

Lots of lotto winners end up going bankrupt.  We like to think we wouldn't be idiots and lose it all, but if you imagine the nitty gritty details of a life with sudden wealth, the pressure must be insane.  When the jackpot gets huge we fantasize how we'd spend it - besides the nicer house and $$ set aside for college, etc., we'd pay off the mortgage at church (so they stop pestering us with capital campaigns), give some to our fav charities, and to family and friends.  But how much?  And would you really become an instant philanthropist anyway?  Whatever you do give away, it's probably never enough.  Putting the shoe on the other foot, what if it's someone close to us that pockets 84 mil?  Say my brother Chris wins, and all he does is give me 2 million?  Chris, you lousy cheapskate.  Alesha, we practically grew up together, how could you only take me on a world cruise?  How messy it would all be.

Well, it's pointless anyway, 'cuz we never play the lotto.  And lightning never strikes twice - a winning ticket already sold in our hometown.

Monday, August 8, 2011

lots more celebrating!

We went to Josilan's baptism in the Des Moines area on July 31.  It was a double baptism/1st Birthday celebration because she turned one on May 28th in Ethiopia, a few weeks before Erik & Kim went to pick her up.  It's crazy how many cute expressions she has!
Then Monday of last week Lily the Yorkie-Poo joined us again while her family vacationed.  We had lots of fun with her just like last year.  We took her to the park in her little dress where she barked her rather fierce bark (for a 4 pounder) at all the other dogs.  She'd tremble & sniff 'em when they came close.
Unfortunately Michael got injured when he tried to pick up the cat during a Felix/Lily showdown.  He had to have a couple stitches under his nose and some glue put in the scratch under his eye.  He toughed it out and is healing well.
Nate had a b-day on Aug. 2, the day we supposedly missed Economic Armageddon by a hair.
And finally, happy 80th birthday to my dad!  Aug. 3 was his big day, then we had an Open House for him on Saturday (the 6th) at my parent's home in Waconia.  We had a great turnout.  It was awesome to see family & friends from near and far, including the 'Southwood Gang", lots of family from northern MN, my mom & dad-in-law from Iowa, and my aunt and some cousins from Omaha that we rarely see.  Also lots of Waconia folks who my dad has known for many years through his involvement in the community.  He is really a go-to guy there.  Doesn't really look 80, does he?