Friday, January 28, 2011

25 years since...

...I was in 2nd grade and the Challenger blew up.  My class didn't watch it live like some did.  I remember them talking a lot about the teacher that was on it.  And Punky Brewster did a show about it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

odds & ends

Last week while eating lunch I was noticing the different shades of the kids' eyes, so I tried taking pics to compare.  The camera didn't capture them the way I wanted, of course, but it still makes for a kind of cool and freaky composite (kids are in age order top to bottom).
After Christmas we thought our bank account would be safe from big purchases for a while, but nooo.  The bills came in for Zach's December procedure and...Yowsa.  Then the dumb dryer decided to go on the fritz, so we forked over some moolah for a new one at the scratch-'n-dent joint this weekend.  I suppose you're ultimately pretty lucky if spending some cash makes your problems go away.  Things could be worse.  The dryer could have caught fire and exploded.  They do that sometimes apparently.  That woulda' been a bigger bummer.

Nate and I also celebrated anniversary #12 this weekend with a trip to Orchestra Hall.  We saw Mozart's opera The Magic Flute which was a bit fruity and weird but I'm no authority on the subject.

Was hoping the Jets could have pulled it off yesterday, and then bested the Packers or Bears in the Bowl.  Don't care much about the Steelers 'cept they have that one guy who's proven to be a bonehead in his personal life.   Guess there's always the commercials.

Friday, January 14, 2011

pre-blessed food

At church this week, the middle school faith formation guy showed this to us at one of those annoying mandatory parent meetings...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Huck Finn coincidence

A new version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is coming out, minus the "n" word and "injun." 

CNN story

We happen to be reading it now.  Nate and I have gone through several books together.  The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings trilogy, some Harry Potter, Mere Christianity, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, among others.  We's brawd-minded and edumacated.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

For Auld Lang Syne

A little late getting my holiday pics up.  Not sure if I like our new little camera.  Blurry pics sometimes, and crazy neon robotic red eyes on everybody.  Oh well.  We had a nice Christmas at home, and the weather cooperated this year for our drives to extended family celebrations.
Nate had most of last week off so we've been chillin' out.  We saw The King's Speech.  Really good.  Happy 2011 y'all.