Thursday, September 10, 2015

2015-16 school year!

The kids started school on Tuesday the 8th this week, the latest the start date ever is. Summer felt a little extended, but we'll make up for it next June.

Michael's a junior! Yeah, scary.

Adrienne had a great first day of 9th grade. When she came home, she said "I love high school!!" Not sure where she gets that from. I was never that weirdly enthusiastic about school. But to be fair, she mostly meant that atmosphere-wise, high school is better than cliquey, constricting middle school.

6th grade for Nicky, the start of his middle school career. Hopefully that cliquey stuff isn't as bad for boys. Getting up at 6:00 is a bummer, but he beats everyone else home. Skippy needed one last snuggle.

Finally, Zach is in second grade and will forge his way through the remainder of grade school (and middle & high school) alone from here. He's chill with it.