The house has been Christmas cutified. But (alert the media!) I've decided I don't like LED lights. Not Christmas ones, anyway. They don't glow. They give off weird evil vampiric undead light. I bet if you hold up LED lights to a mirror, they have no reflection. Aaanyway. We used to be real Christmas tree people. But between last year's leaky tree stand that lead to the mold stain from Hades, and now being the owners of a male-type dog, we went fake. A little ironic, I suppose, after my rant about the deadness of LED light. But who wants their dog to urinate on their Christmas tree? Besides the obvious odor issues, he might electrocute himself. His hair is frizzy enough already. So, fake tree it is. Skippy mostly leaves it alone. Maybe because dogs can sense evil, and it's "lit" with LEDs.
It so does NOT look like this in real life. I wish! My camera took some serious artistic license. They are really just little specks of light unto themselves.