Thursday, February 28, 2013

the Pope's last day

Today is Benedict XVI's last day in the chair of Peter.  Since secular news reports are generally semi-ignorant at best and riddled with nincompoopery at worst in regards to anything Christian, it's best to take them with a grain of salt.  Mark Shea says to take off 50 IQ points when the mainstream media reports on religion.  So, here are some of Fr. Barron's thoughts about Benedict's legacy:

Monday, February 25, 2013

recap of some recent junk

Had another bday recently.  That's a Cold Stone red velvet cake layered w/cake batter ice cream.  It was stupendous.  Took the edge off of turning 29 again.
Michael made this pillow case in his FaCS class.  That's Family and Consumer Science, or Home Ec to us old ogres.
This beastly ugly dog won the Westminster title this year.  Doesn't it look like Chewbacca?  I think mutts are usually cuter than all those fancy schmancy in-bred dogs.
We had some Nicky artwork framed.  The 3rd graders had to sketch and then paint something from the school garden last fall.

And the Oscars were last night.  We haven't seen any of the contenders except Les Mis.  Musicals are not really my thing, but the end was moving.  A really cool payoff.  (book snob alert)  The book is ridonkulously better than any cinema or stage adaptation, though (end book snobbery).  Anyway, I thought Peter Brady did a decent job of hosting.