Wednesday, September 21, 2011

the Vikes goobered it

Nate and I went to the Vikings game on Sunday.  It was my first time and his second live game.  We fought through light rail crowds and got there early to spend $11 bucks on two 'quarterback dogs' (lame-o name) that had delightful shards of bone or cartilage in them.   We were in the nosebleeds but along the 50-yard line.
It started out well.  They were scoring points and stuff.  Guys ran around with flags.
Then they tanked in the 2nd half.  We left with 4 minutes to go to beat the crowds to the light rail station.  The Bucs scored and won after we left.  Ho hum.  My pretzel with cheese was good, and it was fun watching the Bucs fans in the next section fight with Vikes fans.  Could have done without the crazy ecstatic people in front of us who had to stand every 5 seconds.  Then we had to stand to see what the heck was happening.  Up down, up was worse than Mass.

Nicky is recovering from having a somewhat large mole removed from his scalp on Friday.  The dermatologist is not concerned that it was suspicious, but we were tired of paying co-pays to have it checked and having to keep an eye on it.  They had to remove quite a bit of extra skin around it in order to be able to sew it up nice.  They went a bit overboard with the razor beforehand.  He handled it like a champ though.  He didn't whine or move around, or even grimace when the doctor grabbed the skin on his head and jabbed the shot of numbing junk in.
It's zoomed in so it looks a bit worse than it really does.  They asked him if he wanted to see it when it was done.  I wasn't sure if he should look, but he wanted to.  He giggled.  Our little FrankenNicky.  Thankfully the kids haven't been too hard on him at school.

And finally, Zach turned 4 yesterday...
Mmm, cookie cake.
Clothes, yes!!
Firearms, wa-hoo!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

off to speech - 9/14/11

That's some spontaneous happy dancing.  He was excited to go to school and show his teacher his new shoes.  What a cute little bugger, if I do say so myself.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

back to the grind

Tuesday was the big day.  Here are the obligatory first day of school pics - Michael 7th grade, Adrienne 5th, & Nicky 2nd:
Zach starts his articulation group next week.  It meets for less than an hour (on Weds. & Fri.) because it's basically speech therapy, but he gets to ride the bus, woo-hoo!  Michael came home from the first day of school with 6 syllabuses for me to read and sign.  Besides the cost of school supplies for all of 'em and $10 each of "party money" for Adrienne and Nicky, A's teacher wanted $15 for an exercise ball and they're going on 3 field trips this month that'll add up to $26 per kid.  Two $13 ones and a free one, oh yay!  On a less sarcastic note, they otherwise had smooth sailing and a positive first week back.  Nicky said his teacher is nice and hardly ever yells.

Friday, September 2, 2011

3rd blogversary

3 years of mostly bragging and ragging on my kids, I 'spose.  Zach wasn't quite one then, and he'll be four soon.  Jinkies.

A turned 10 last week.  Another kid in double digits...
The kids go back to school on Tuesday.  Not looking forward to cracking the homework whip again, but the change will be good for all of us.  With summer winding down, life around here is becoming stagnant.  It's been tough lately to pry the kids' grubby mitts from the TV or Wii remotes or the computer to go do something a teensy bit more brain stimulating. Not to mention busting up disagreements all day.